Safety in Namibia
Crime in Namibia
Because criminal activity is high, you are strongly advised for your own safety to be diligent in your monitoring of developments while in Namibia. Pick pocketing is typical of the prevalent petty crime. Although rare, violent crime against foreigners does occur. Your personal valuables should not be left in a car, nonetheless keep your windows up and doors locked at all times. At night security risks rise, so walking alone is not advised. At ATM's extra vigilance is required as criminals may attempt to distract or deceive as they seek to separate you from your money. There have been reports of credit card skimming or copying so be vigilant when using them. Never let it leave your sight and monitor statements carefully for fraudulent transactions.
Reports have surfaced of taxi drivers robbing foreigners. Taxis displaying the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association logo or organized through a reputable hotel are recommended.
HIV/AIDS has a very high incidence thus victims of violent crime particularly rape as advised to seek immediate medical attention.
Local Travel
Unfamiliarity with local conditions and high rates of speed often cause incidents of foreigners being involved in single vehicle accidents. Nambia's gravel roads require extra care. Poor local driving habits, lack of street lighting, poorly maintained vehicles, livestock or wild animals straying onto the road are the various traffic hazards. Dirt and gravel are the norm for rural roads while those in urban areas are generally in good condition. Adequate supplies of emergency provisions, water and fuel are required when traveling in desert areas while always being aware of local conditions.
Unexploded land mines and munitions remain in certain regions such as Kavango and Caprivi and all areas bordering Angola. Be certain to stay only on well traveled routes.
Maintain a safe and legal distance in keeping with wildlife laws including when observing bird and marine animals. Adhere closely to all park regulations and wardens advice and use only professional and reputable guides.
Civil Unrest/Political Tension
Demonstrations and large public gatherings can become violent so you are well advised to avoid them. Details regarding possible safety and security can be obtained as you monitor local media sources.
Safety tips when in Namibia
It's important in most countries to remain safe, and this is the case too in Namibia. While not as dangerous as some countries on the African continent, it can still present some dangerous areas and things to look out for. Here are some tips for you when you are in Namibia:
- Theft isn't really a big issue in Namibia but you should never leave items unattended in vehicles when parking them. Always make sure your doors are locked and even if you think something is safe in your car, take it with you to be certain it will be.
- Don't walk alone at night in cities such as Windhoek if possible, and always keep valuables on you safe and secure.
- When camping and on safari's, don’t' always think it's the people who are the problem! Cheeky little monkeys can come into your camp site and rummage through your items and help themselves! The difference between monkeys and humans is that you probably will never see your items again if a monkey takes it! Tie up your bags and always keep things you don't want to go missing on you at all times.
- If you are travelling in certain areas of the country, stay well clear of prohibited diamond zones. This is particularly the case east of Luderitz, as the guards of these areas can sometimes be quite aggressive, even to foreigners.
- Always follow your guide's instructions when on safari around wild animals. Never stray into areas you aren't permitted to go into and make sure you listen to all of their safety advice.
- Keep you safety belt on at all times, especially when travelling in rural areas. The roads may not be as safe in built up areas and the safety response can also be lax compared to urban areas. Try and check in as best you can and always update people of your whereabouts when travelling for long distances.